LSM's Annual Backpack Drive ending August 4th. Thank you for participating.

Intention to Give Form

2024 Intention to Financially Support Living Waters Lutheran Church

To support the ministries and mission of Living Waters, and after prayerful consideration, I and/or my family will give back to the church, following biblical stewardship ideas such as tithing, proportional giving, and giving our first fruits.
Returning a portion of God's generosity to use in 2024
Type the answer: 2 + 6 =
Other Ways to Give
Living Waters can accept gifts of stock, 401(k) distributions, and other non-cash assets. For those over 70½, you can donate using the Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA, which counts towards the Required Minimum Distribution.
To discuss these options, please contact Tom Kull at
© Living Waters Lutheran Church 2024
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