SERVICE TEAM: For up-to-date service projects, click on the link below. If you're aware of any local needs that the church and community may be able to help out with, please contact Dwayne States-Codding through the church office.
March 11: Blood Drive from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. See Ben Fancy to sign-up to donate. Sign up here to make an appointment.
FOOD DONATIONS: Please remember we are collecting food for the food pantry in the bin outside the church. You can drop it outside the church any day that works for you. Click this link to see the current list of needed items, and click on the button below for more information about our local food pantries.
Continuing our generosity to our community during the COVID-19 pandemic
These organizations continue to feed and house our community members and continue to need our support as we are able to give it. You can donate through their websites. For those of you on Facebook, you can click on their pages, then click on “posts” in the menu on the left to see their most recent updates and needs. If you wish to volunteer in person, please call first and ask about all necessary precautions.

2019 Living Waters Lutheran Church Giving By the Numbers
* 3.4 Cows donated to the Bishop’s Cow Challenge for ELCA World Hunger
* 9 hot dinner sessions served at Flemington Food Pantry feeding approximately 330 people
* 29 no-sew blankets made and donated to Hunterdon Medical Center and Hunterdon County prosecutors’ office for the warming station where people experiencing homelessness can be inside during freezing weather.
* 512 Adult Diaper & related items given for the Hunterdon Diaper Bank
* 300 T-shirts collected for the “Hug for your Head,” T-Cap Project
* Over 500 pounds of plastic collected in Trex Box
* 160 plus snack bags made and delivered to Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
* 21 backpacks and 30 calculators for high schoolers donated to Lutheran Social Ministries
* 500 kits of utensils made and delivered to Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
* 35 cards with messages of hope for families in immigration detention via Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
* 85 cookies from our cookie exchange delivered to Family Promise families experiencing homelessness
* Countless food and household items for local food pantries
SERVICE PROJECT 2016 This year's Advent/Christmas Service Project is a Diaper Drive in support of the Hunterdon Diaper Bank. The Hunterdon Diaper Bank is run in partnership with United Way of Hunterdon County and NORWESCAP Food Bank to distribute diapers, wipes, ointments, and adult incontinence products to struggling parents and caregivers of infants, toddlers, special needs children, disabled youth and the elderly who cannot afford the products they need.
Believe it or not, food stamps do not cover diapers. Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted by the Hunterdon Diaper Bank. Everything collected stays in Hunterdon County. Collection boxes will be placed in the narthex from November 20 through December 11. Any questions, contact Judy at Thank you for your support!!
Service Project for July/August
Watch for the 2016 Project coming soon...
Support these Local Organizations
- Trenton Area Food Pantry, Trenton, NJ
- Family Promise of Hunterdon County, Inc. Flemington, NJ 08822
- Flemington Area Food Pantry, Flemington, NJ
Over the past several years we've been fortunate to be able to work with a variety of community minded service groups within our area. Groups such as the Flemington Area Food Pantry & The Good News Home for Women of Flemington NJ are all worth-while causes.
Pictured abve are members of Living Waters Lutheran Church and the Flemington Jewish Community Center along with staff and friends of the food pantry just prior to the Annual Food Pantry Walk, held each year to raise funds and awareness about their services.
On a monthly basis, we will be collecting food for the Flemington Food Pantry. We will collect food on the third and fourth Sundays, and then deliver the food to the pantry. The food pantry currently needs cereal, salad dressings, 100% juice, cake mix & frosting, cooking oil, tea & coffee, baby food-diapers-formula, laundry & dish detergent, shampoo, toilet paper and paper products. For additional information call Madelyn at the Pantry 782-8457.